Career Advice & Development

Approba is a full service HR advice agency. We have a lot of experience with recruitment & selection, guidance, training on the job, coaching and much more. We have been successfully offering these services to our customers for years. But in a continuously changing labor market, your career changes too. Do you want to continue your current job out of necessity or of your own accord, or are you orientating yourself on a new profession? In that case, we can help you in different ways.

Career orientation interview

When you think about a career orientation interview, you can think of questions such as: am I still in the right place? I am unemployed, now what? I want to do something else but I don’t know what? The career orientation interview is a first introduction to your coach. During this conversation, the coach will map your request for help and advise you. Perhaps this conversation is sufficient to help you on the right way, other times further steps will be necessary to help you. In that case, the coach will propose a customized coach plan and discuss it with you. This plan comes without any obligation, you choose what you feel comfortable with.

Profession Suitability Test

Approba offers various tests. These tests provide a clear, objective handle for questions such as: I want to change careers, but what suits me best? I want to progress to a Bachelor / Master, but can I handle this? Our test measures your capacities (learning ability), personality and your interests.This provides us with a clear picture of you as a person and will form the basis for advice. Also a nice bonus: when you apply for your dream job, you can share your test results to show that you are suitable for the position.

Indicate the job market

You know what you want, but now what? Where can you go? What suits you best? What options are there and how can I find them? What do I have to take into account? We support you in the search for a new challenge. Who, what, how, where. All your questions will be answered and you will receive many practical tips.

Job application help

You know which job you want, but how do you increase your chances? Application-help is often underestimated. A good CV or cover letter can make all the difference. So does help with conducting an interview. What should you pay attention to? What to say (or not to say)? Social media also plays a role. Is your LinkedIn profile findable?

Probationary counseling / starting aid

You are accepted for your dream job! You are now starting a new step in your career. First off, you have to deal with a contract proposal. Are there no unpleasant snags? Is it a good offer? We are happy to look into it. You will also have to deal with a probationary period. How do you ensure that you get through this properly?

All the above modules can be used individually or in combination. Depending on your request for help, Approba can provide tailor-made advice.

Are you curious about one of the modules? Or do you have a burning career question and are you looking for help? Feel free to contact our coach Annelot Kamphuis: +31(0)46-460 00 00 (office) or by email (Annelot kamphuis)

Our career counselor will always call you in advance (before starting with any of the modules). This call is without any obligations and is free of charge.

We need to equip ourselves with specific skills,

such as change management, business process consulting, project support and focus on human resources in order to have an edge over competing markets or countries.