Shelly Ver

Talent Engineering Recruiter

Working as a recruiter for Approba means working with many types of vacancies and candidates. From interns to managers, from supply chain planners to operators, anything is possible.

  • Background

    B.Sc. Applied Psychology Experience in recruitment projects in process engineering, especially operators (B / C), learning on the job-vacancies, setting up application procedures from A to Z and experience with (psychological) tests and assessments.

    Through my background in psychology and career guidance, I have a strong drive to help people make the best choice in their career. Not a quick fix, but the focus on exploring whether someone really fits the job.

    In addition to the above activities, I take care of Approba’s marketing and I am closely involved in Employer Branding projects at our partners.

    View Shelly’s Linkedin profile

  • Personal info

    I live in the ‘narrowest part’ of the Netherlands with my partner Marc.

    Hobbies are: odd jobs in and around the house, city trips or long distance vacations, good food and drinks, fitness, a good netflix serie and going to a party every now and then!